Thursday, February 5, 2009

Art on Etsy

Obviously we all feel differently about art. No two people have the same taste in art. My husband is a painter, so we have his fine art paintings all over the house. He just doesn't have the time in his life to get them into the gallery scene, as lacking as it is here in Raleigh anyways. So, until I get a ton more wall space, there isn't going to be any fine art buying going on in this house. Not that fine art can't be small, but we really need to sell my husband's work before we could justify the expense on any new fine art.

I like to buy whimsical small pieces of art and especially like illustration and digital collage and interesting porcelain pieces. Here are a few pieces I have purchased for me and as gifts. I purchased Canada Goose from berkleyillustration, and have been enjoying him for a while and when I showed my Mom she really liked him and asked if there was a fox. At the time there wasn't, but much to my pleasure I checked back last week and there was, so I ordered him for her.

SharonMontrose, Baby Deer

I also bought this baby deer print from SharonMontrose for my Mom for Christmas. My parents live in a very woodsy area and so they see this wildlife quite often. It is so nice to have a reflection of it in their home. My Mom of course thinks this is an adorable photograph. All of Sharon's prints are so hard to resist.

I LOVE this print. I am still looking for the perfect vintage/vintage style oval frame for it. It is slightly magical and I love her pink blushed cheeks. I think I will hang it near my computer.

Lucy in grass green by therunnybunny

I was eyeballing therunnybunny's shop for a while and saw there was a sale and snatched this little guy up! Fresh from Asheville, NC too, where I have spent quite a few hours on weekends when I was in college out there, shopping and enjoying the gorgeous sceneary and yummy restaurants. Lucy has a spot right above my computer.


  1. I am a huge fan of Berkley Illustrations. I've got the polar bear and the cheetah. I want the giraffe next.

  2. I was looking at the giraffe, he looks very grumpy to me though. I am not sure which one I would want next, I am pretty fond of the Meerkat.

  3. I have some prints from art and ghosts ..they are so dreamy!
